Workshops for Musicians and Ensembles
What is Music-in-Motion?
It's a fun and liberating new way of performing instrumental classical music. It allows musicians to move around the stage and interact more closely with each other, making the whole ensemble more active and fluid. They can express themselves more fully - more like actors, opera singers or dancers - instead of sitting passively at their desks or confined within their section.
How does it work?
The music is read from monitors or projections, played from memory, or a mixture of both. Collaborating with a stage director, the musicians use movements and gestures that mirror the music, helping to communicate the structure, meaning and narrative to the audience.
What are the benefits?
For musicians: you gain skills that are transferable to more traditional situations. The additional embodiment and physical expressiveness you will learn can help you make a better impression at auditions, competitions, exams, and while working with colleagues, fixers and other potential employers.
For audiences: How many times do you hear people say "I quite like classical music - but I feel I don't really understand it"? With Music-in-Motion the music becomes more transparent - and as the audience can see everything that's going on, they're more likely to hear it more meaningfully. We think that's going to make classical concerts a much more exciting experience for more people.
A programme of Music-in-Motion workshops are planned for the near future, where you can join colleagues to discover, develop, experiment and train in Music-in-Motion techniques. The workshops are led by LMA Music Director John Landor and professional dance and theatre coaches.
If you play in a regular ensemble, Music-in-Motion is a great way to stand out from the crowd. We can assist you with coaching, stage direction and even production costs to help you bring the Music-in-Motion experience to audiences at your own concerts.
If you want to experience Music-in-Motion, contact us with a statement of your interest, your CV, and if possible, links to videos of your playing, and we'll be in touch!
We look forward to hearing from you!
Meanwhile, have a look at our own Music-in-Motion videos.

Musicians say:
It was empowering!
I felt I had the freedom of a soloist.
It was amazing to play next to a completely different instrument!
I could hear the other parts better.
Audiences say:
It was dynamic, fresh and exciting!
The musicians seemed more involved.
It made me understand better the role of each musician.
There was a living sense of music-making!

Music-in-Motion performances at St Martin-in-the-Fields with LMA Ensemble