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Music-in-Motion is a revolution in classical music performance, conceived and developed by John Landor. Musicians move freely while playing, articulating the structure, drama and meaning of the music with their movements and gestures. This 'animation' of the music makes for a more vivid, dramatic, engaging and accessible experience of the music.

Review by Professor John Sloboda, OBE, FBA,
Music-in-Motion Ensemble, Conway Hall, London, 28 October 2017:
'Music-in-Motion is a whole new life-giving culture of live performance of classical music.
Musicians stand, play from memory, and weave around the performing space, moving in and out of the audience, forming and un-forming groups which elucidate and dramatise the structure and dialectic of the composition.
They fully inhabit the music through their gestures, their constant eye-contact with each other, and their sheer commitment to the performance. It is 'immersive theatre' translated into a musical context, which might just save the classical concert from its slow death of the last 30 years.'
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